Looking for premium accommodation in Zamárdi?

Looking for premium accommodation in Zamárdi?

  What do you expect of good accommodation in Zamárdi? Should it be comfortable and high-spec on the one hand, while also atmospheric and right in the heart of nature on the other? Well, if that’s what you’re looking for then you’re in the right place, because...
Balaton Gastro Tour

Balaton Gastro Tour

While gastro tours are becoming more popular, most people still visit Lake Balaton for the water and the beaches. Recently, they have been putting great emphasis on gastro tourism in the Lake Balaton region, which resulted in huge improvements…

Activities for children – animation at the campsite

Activities for children – animation at the campsite

Activities for children all summer long at Mirabella Camping At long last, summer is here, and we are already all geared up to enjoy a well-earned rest in June. This is probably doubly true of parents, whose second shift only starts when the day job ends. They can be...