Planning a trip? New rules and important information for the travellers

20 Feb, 2024

Planning a trip? New rules and important information for the travellers

Feb 20, 2024

utazás előtt fontos teendők - Mirabella Camping

Things to do before travel

The regulations concerning domestic travel and holiday accommodation changed last year, and this has important implications for tourists. The most important thing to note is that you must present your personal id whenever you check into a hotel or other type of accommodation. This rule applies to every traveller across the whole of Hungary.

Make sure you have the following on you:

Valid personal id, driving licence or passport for each guest, including children. Check that all your documents are valid before you travel!

important to do before you travel Mirabella Camping personal id

Important note before you travel: make sure each member of the family has valid id documents!


Document verification for children under 14

Children under 14 do not need to present their documents. Instead, their details will be recorded as provided by their parent or guardian.


Temporary regulations concerning the use of holiday accommodation services

Section 28. In the case of persons under the age of 14 who use accommodation services, the data required under Act CLVI of 2016 on State Duties Pertaining to the Development of Tourism Regions, Section 9/H Paragraph (1) Clause a) can be recorded by the accommodation provider as per the declaration made by the parent or guardian of the aforementioned person under the age of 14. In the case of persons under the age of 14 who use accommodation services, contrary to Act CLVI of 2016 on State Duties Pertaining to the Development of Tourism Regions, Section 9/H Paragraph (2), personal id does not need to be presented until 31 December 2022 and, contrary to Act CLVI of 2016 on State Duties Pertaining to the Development of Tourism Regions, Section 9/H Paragraph (1) Clause b), the details of the personal id do not need to be recorded.


Check your documents before you travel

From September 2021, all accommodation providers must scan the personal id of their guests, so make sure you have your relevant documents on you. Tourists can use their personal id card, passport or driving licence to verify their identity, and accommodation providers will need to record these in the so-called VIZA system.


What is VIZA?

VIZA is a guest identification system; its name comes from the Hungarian abbreviation for Closed Guest Information Database. Accommodation providers must use a digital document scanner to record the personal details of persons who reserve accommodation, similarly to the National Data Centre for Tourism (NTAK).

Click here to read more about the VIZA system »


Under-18s also need to have their documents verified

It is important to note that all guests, regardless of their age, must present their personal id at the reception when they arrive at their accommodation. This means that young people under 18 years of age must also have a valid photo id on them. Make sure you leave enough time to renew the travel documents of each member of the family.

Click here for help on applying for personal id for under-18s » 

travel valid personal documents Mirabella Camping

Make sure you pack valid travel documents for each member of the family, including under-18s, because you will need it when you arrive at the reception! You can use your valid passport, personal id card or driving licence to verify your identity.


Recording the data is a statutory obligation

Act CLVI of 2016 on State Duties Pertaining to the Development of Tourism Regions, as amended, requires accommodation providers to record the personal details specified in the Act of every guest on arrival, using a document scanner, and store them in their accommodation management software. Mirabella Camping complies with every applicable statutory regulation, so please make sure you make the necessary preparations before you set off on your holiday!


Why is this important?

The law requires every guest to present their documents before occupying their accommodation, and no exceptions can be made. This means that even if you reserved your accommodation, and spent a long time travelling to your destination you will not be able to use your accommodation unless you present valid a personal id card, driving licence or passport for each member of the family.

Make sure you have your personal documents to hand to avoid disappointment or inconvenience right at the start of your holiday!

These rules are mandatory, so we introduced systems to save time when checking in and out.



When your documents are checked, you are automatically checked into the campsite at the same time, so you do not need to do that separately.


Our guests’ safety is of utmost importance

Safety is an important concern of ours, so we use a wristband entry procedure and automated number plate recognition. Please purchase a visitor ticket at the reception if you want to receive guests at the campsite.


Campsite parking is only available to guests

Cars may park free of charge on campsite pitches and by the houses, but we want to make sure that only guests with valid reservations do so.  The automated number plate registration system helps ensure only the vehicles of guests with valid reservations, who have paid in full, can enter the campsite. Please note you can only cross the barrier at the entrance of the campsite after you have checked in at the reception.

You can park your car for the whole duration of your holiday on your own pitch or in the designated spaces by the houses.


When is check-in available?

The campsite is open around the clock on every day of the week between 18 April and 05 October 2025. This means you can check in at any time of the day. It is worth noting, however, that caravan pitches can be occupied starting from 12pm, tent pitches can be occupied from 2pm and holiday and mobile houses, from 3pm. Please read the ground rules before you travel.

Click here to read the campsite ground rules »

Make sure you have your photo id on hand to be able to comply with the legal requirements specified above!

We will do our best to make sure the statutory process goes quickly and smoothly, so please do everything you can to reduce waiting times. We hope you will agree with us that the regulations and systems are in place for your safety and convenience.

We are looking forward to welcoming you!